Saturday, June 8, 2013

My son smiles at me....

It's been 14 days since the mountain fell on me.

Yeah, it's been 2 weeks since my father died. This week has been rough, but wasn't so bad. I woke up...around noon..went back to bed while Monica took the kids to the park. I finally got up and milled about. WE eventually took the kids to the park together and I watched while Zion ran and played and jumped and dug and did all the things a little boy is supposed to do. We played and I threw him in the air and chased him around and flipped him and did all the things a dad is supposed to do. All he wanted was to play rough with his dad, and he  smiled the whole time. And that smile got me through the day. And today, today wasn't so bad.

 I was going through the fridge, looking for some Kool-aid (like I always do about this time) and in the back I found one bottle of of nasty ICB diet root beer. It was from a pack my dad had bought when he was here for Christmas. And I looked at it, and just kinda of stared..and I guess since today was a good day it didn't really hurt me like the coffee cup had the day before. But I think I've decided I am going to keep that bottle of nasty ass root beer forever. Just moving it from fridge to fridge, leaving it in the back. Gotta keep a root beer cold for pop.

and I feel like I got my feet on solid ground, but I still got a ways to go

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