Today was actually looking like a good day. I started off, cleaning, washing clothes answering emails...getting shit done. I went up to the school, signed a couple papers, got a grade change, talked to a few folk without tearing up.. I mean, I was on a roll. We went to the food bank and got about $80 worth of groceries... I visited my aunt, talked about the funeral and all the craziness that came with it. I told her about the probate, and the cremation, and having to sign papers and whatnot. And amazingly all of the potential trigger inducing things that we talked about.... pulled no triggers. I was, of course, sad in the background but it wasn't an active sadness. I wasn't perpetually melancholy today, I was even at times happy. My wife came home, fixed fish tacos and grape/lemonade kool-aid. I talked to my cousin about Game of Thrones and fed my son chopped up bits of grilled cheese. Today was smiles and laughter, and poopy diapers and HALO 3, and surfing the net, and avoiding traffic on the way to get the kids from daycare. It felt as normal a day as I've had in awhile.
But then ... around 10PM-ish, I'm surfing facebook, playing bejeweled and checking out random statuses when facebooks mystery marketing department decides to pop this on my fucking screen. Yeah, GIVE DAD A STEAK DINNER, courtesy of fucking Outback. Well fuck you I can't go give my dad a facebook father's day steak dinner at Outback because I'll NEVER FUCKING BE ABLE TO DO THAT AGAIN, BECAUSE HE'S DEAD. And in an effort to make a quick buck, you profile pick jacked my dead fathers facebook page. Stay classy marketing department, stay classy.
Thank you very fucking much Facebook and Outback and whoever else great as marketing idea it was to not only suggest this randomly, but then to top it off use my Father's profile picture in the advertisement. Needless to say that put a damper on the rest of my night, and here I am again looking at a sleepless night. As if Sunday wasn't gonna be hard enough... So to Facebook, Outback Steakhouse, and Facebook's mystery marketing department...
and I feel like it fell on me again
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